Origin:PortugalPortugal (Ruivina, São Tiago de Rio de Moinhos, Vila Vicosa, Estremoz, Evora)

Black Ruivina Marble is a very dark grey to black background with light streaks metamorphic rock,

Recommended Usage for Exterior – Interior wall and floor applications, mosaic, fountains, pool and wall capping
Finishing Surface can be Polished, Sawn Cut, Sanded, Rockfaced, Sandblasted, Tumbled
Also named Black Ruivina Marble,Marmore Negro Ruivina,Ruivina Dark Marble,Ruivina Escuro Marble,Ruivina Escura Marble Marble
Water Absorption:0.05 By weight %
Density:2715 kg/m³
Flexural Strength:27.0 MPa
Compressive Strength:93.0 MPa
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