Cremo Delicato Marble is a exquisite natural stone known for its timeless elegance and refined appearance. Quarried in Provincia di Massa Carrara, Toscana, this marble features a creamy white background with subtle veining that ranges from dark creamy beige to brown.
The creamy white base of Cremo Delicato Marble provides a sense of purity and brightness, making it a versatile choice for various design applications. Its neutral and soothing color palette allows it to seamlessly blend into a variety of design styles, from classic to contemporary, adding a touch of sophistication to any space.
The marble’s subtle veining, characterized by shades of creamy beige to brown, enhances its visual appeal and adds depth to its overall appearance. These veining patterns are delicate and harmoniously interwoven into the creamy background, creating a sense of movement and natural beauty.
Cremo Delicato Marble is a popular choice for interior design projects, including flooring, wall cladding, and decorative elements. Its understated elegance and classic charm make it a favored material among architects, designers, and homeowners seeking to create refined and inviting spaces.
Petrographic definition: Marble
Massa Unit Volume: 2705 Kg / m3
Water absorption: 0.13%
Compression breaking load Simple: 135 MPa
Compression breaking load after freezing: 116 MPa
Tangent elastic modulus: 59,500 MPa
Secant Modulus: MPa
Indirect Tensile Strength by bending 9.9 MPa
Coefficient corresponding Abrasion (referred to Granite St. Fedelino): 0.27
Impact resistance: minimum fall height: 67 cm
Coefficient of linear thermal expansion: 5.2 x 10-5 0C-1
Knoop microhardness: 1197 MPa
non-uniformity index of hardness: 1.19
Source: Università di Pisa – Politecnico di Torino